Looking to add events to your existing photo business? Thinking of getting in to event photography? Great NEWS, we need to recruit new event teams to cover the work we are currently turning away. Areas of particular interest are London and South East, Devon Cornwall, Liverpool & Manchester and the North East. If you are thinking of adding "events" to your existing photography business or are looking to form a new business in event photography then this could be just the right time. But don't risk 'Going it alone' why not partner with Event-Photos? We are currently turning down too many jobs because we don't have enough event photographer teams to attend. Whilst I wouldn't ever consider event photography to be recession proof, we at Event-Photos have grown significantly and have now reached the situation where we need more event teams to attend the bookings. These are not leads or enquiries, these are confirmed, contracted bookings at all kinds of events including sports tournaments, Balls, Proms, Motor sports, It's a Knockout, Dinner Dances, Charity events, corporate events, just about any kind of event you can think of. We are not looking to recruit those who only want to do Black Tie, Balls and Proms, at Event-Photos we pride ourselves on being able to offer a professional event photographer for ANY ocassion. From your point of view, when your fledgling business is at it's most vulnerable why limit your chances of sucess by excluding yourself from some of the biggest earning events? During the last few years income at many events has actually risen, especailly at under 16's events. We think this is down to basic economics, perhaps Mum & Dad cannot afford to buy the new X-Box, new phone or a new PC but £10 on a photograph of the kids competing or having fun is very affordable and to many represents good value for money, the kids love the photos and this makes Mum & Dad feel good about themselves. Additionally, there has been a marked increase in the number of jobs available especially in the Charity and Corporate sector. As times get harder the pressure and demands upon many charities increases, donations decline from businesses, local authority funding being squeezed by up to 40% so there are more events organised to raise the much needed funding shortfall. This benefits us! We operate a thorough training program for all teams regardless of experience, to operate the tried and tested Event-Photos way. We are here to help you, train and mentor you in all aspects of the life of an event photographer, warts and all. There is a significant level of investment needed, a new start-up event photography business can expect to spend in the region of £12k to get a basic set of equipment, training and a suitable vehicle (sign written) to operate from. It won't all be new equipment and it is only a starter package, you will need to invest more as your business grows, but it will give you the chance to start earning a living in the events business. Event photography lends itself well to being a part-time business working evenings and weekends and then over time, perhaps it can become your main source of income and develop in to a full time business. This is how the vast majority of event photographers, including me started out. We are not offering to employ you, you will be your own boss and your business will grow proportionatly to the effort you put in, but with our help you'll avoid many of the pitfalls that trap the unwary. Event Photography is not for the faint hearted, it's hard work, long hours and we are always working when everyone else is playing but is usually loads of fun and can be very rewarding! You don't event need to come from a photographic background, we find our most successful event photographer team leaders come from an IT, Sales or Customer Service background. If this sounds of interest to you why not call us on 0800 5300175 to discuss the possiblities? Read more here home | Client List | News | benefits | company | services | events | pricing | gallery | opportunities | press | printers | FAQ | upcoming events | links | contact | Weddings & Receptions | Training | customer comments
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